NFU calls for a sustainable price for growers

The NFU is calling for the UK supply chain to work together towards a more sustainable future for growers.

Following a meeting with 49 Cornish brassica growers last week, Richard Hirst, NFU horticulture board chairman, has said that growers need help from all parts of the supply chain, especially the multiples.

Warm weather in the latter part of 2007 has meant that there is an abundance of winter cauliflower and spring green crops on retailers’ shelves, causing rock bottom prices and many retail price promotions. According to the NFU, Cornish growers are receiving as little as 18p for a head of cauliflower, when the price of production alone can be as much as 35p.

“Growers and retailers need to set a sustainable price for produce or else we will see growers move over to more lucrative crops,” Hirst told FPJ. “It is the message we have been relaying for the last eight months; but growers need to be helped by the whole industry, as they are having a tough time.

“This is not just an idle threat; it is very possible that UK growers will opt to produce lower risk crops instead of brassicas and other vegetables, as they cannot cope with these losses every year, and the UK will have to rely on imported produce.

“We need to highlight to the supply chain that growers are taking all the risks and not getting any of the rewards. There are also fears that supermarkets’ margins are going to increase this year and people are worried about the effect that will have on the supply chain. To achieve a viable horticultural industry in this country, growers have to have a fair price,” Hirst said.