New vegetable promo push

The British Carrot Growers Association is unveiling a £100,000 two-year pr campaign to encourage increased consumption of carrots.

The initiative will be launched on the second day of the UK Onion and Carrot Growers Conference on November 23-24.

The pr effort is backed by the British Carrot Grower's Association and is headed up by Pam Lloyd who will use radio and print media to focus on seasonality, where to buy and how to cook carrots in novel ways. It will feature Rachel Green who writes for Fresh magazine and is a self-styled Queen of Vegetables. She has developed recipes specially for the BCGA promotion to inspire all sections of the population to experiment in the kitchen with carrots.

Also featuring at the conference is a revolutionary approach to prolonging storage life in onions. Growers have sought an alternative to Maleic Hydrazide for several years and this new approach presented by David O'Connor of the Allium and Brassica Centre promises much.

The 2004-05 onion season across Europe resulted in a 300,000 tonne surplus being dumped. While planted area has dropped significantly this season, the conference asks whether with East and West now in the EU if the production balance has changed irreversibly and will look at the way forward.

The event will conclude with British Onion Producers' Association cChairman Jonathan Tremayne reviewing UK prospects.

The design and economics of cold storage will be discussed as will the harvesting of the crops for cold storage and the developments made in the packhouse.

Also on the agenda are the politics of food, caterers needs in sourcing and production, the wide appeal of both vegetables, and trends and values in the UK, Continental Europe and North America.

The show will be held at the East of England Showground, Peterborough.

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