Dow AgroSciences has a double strength herbicide now suitable for use on a range of vegetable crops.

Last spring a double-strength formulation of Dow Shield was launched for post-emergence use in a range of arable crops and a host of new crops have now been added to the label. David Roberts of Dow AgroSciences said: “Bulb onions, cabbage, broccoli/calabrese, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, linseed and forage maize were added to the Dow Shield 400 label for this year.

“Dow Shield 400 is an important and effective herbicide for the control of difficult perennial and annual weeds and it warrants a long list of crops on which it can be used. This spring where we are likely to see a much larger area of spring sown crops, the broader crop list for Dow Shield 400 will be welcomed by growers coping with difficult weed control choices. In addition to the crops on its label, Dow Shield 400 has a number of Extensions of Authorisation for Minor Uses (formerly SOLAs) including asparagus, apple, pear, chard, spinach, spinach beet and outdoor leaf herbs.”

The new formulation contains twice as much clopyralid as Dow Shield 200, so dose rates are half that of Dow Shield 200 (at 0.5 litres/hectare in many crops, delivering 200 gms of clopyralid). It can be used from the 1 March to the 31 August.

Dow Shield 400 controls creeping thistles, volunteer potatoes and a range of annual broad-leaved weeds including corn marigold, groundsel, mayweeds and smooth sow-thistle.