birmingham wholesale market

The relocation of Birmingham Wholesale Market has taken a new twist with a third site being thrown into the mix two weeks before plans were set to be reviewed.

Market manager Birmingham Council has received a surprise offer to buy the land at Signal Point Industrial Park in Tyseley.

Sites at Witton and Washwood Heath have previously been in the running for the relocation of the market. Mark Tate, chair of the Tenants’ Association at Birmingham Wholesale Market, said up to now Witton was the most likely option, as Washwood Heath has been linked to a depot for the high-speed rail line and is probably a “non-runner”.

Both sites are available for lease, whereas a purchase of the industrial park at Tyseley would mean the council would be freeholder. Tate said this might suit the council as the site would then go down as an asset with potential for value increase.

“It depends what their long-term plan is. If they want something purpose-built then Witton would suit. But for a 30-year venture when land and property value will go up, Tyseley may be a winner,” he added. Tate said he had already heard some concerns from traders about the distance of the new site from Asian communities. “It’s at the opposite side of the city and there’s not a lot there to encourage the Chinese community to visit,” he explained.

In addition he said that the Tyseley site is due to have a new link road built through it but at the moment accessibility is poor. “Road links to Witton are better; they would have a lot of problems traffic-wise at Tyseley.”

The latest potential site is between 20 and 30 acres, which fits the remit for the market, and had previously been earmarked for regeneration.

The case for Tyseley will be put forward at a meeting on 21 October, and if accepted, will be developed into a full business plan to be reviewed in the second week of December. Birmingham Wholesale Market is currently at its 1970-built premises at Pershore Street, Digbeth, but has been in talks for relocation since 2010.