GEN Fruit veg assortment

Cracks about the Scottish diet are nothing new, but now a new study has shown that nearly one in ten people in the Lothians eats no fruit or vegetables.

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey also found that more than two-thirds of people across the region don't get their 5 A DAY, andthat over half of all Edinburgh adults are either overweight or obese.

In response to the results, theEdinburgh Evening News reports,a drive has been launched to promote healthier eating habits among the region’s population.

Edible Edinburgh is a campaign that brings together the NHS, city council and volunteer-led groups in a bid to change public attitudes to food and encourage people to buy more local produce and grow their own fruit and veg.

Launching Edible Edinburgh, the city council's environment convener Lesley Hinds told the Evening News: “We all know that a nutritious diet, including plenty of cereals, fruit and vegetables, is essential for a good start in life, and to stay healthy later on.

'Unfortunately, not everyone has access to affordable fresh and healthy food, and we are determined to change that in Edinburgh.”