There is no doubt that plums, or more accurately the hybrids, are being elevated to new heights with new shapes and tastes arriving in store almost every week. At present Israel has a presence despite competition from the rest of the Mediterranean.
Morrisons has introduced a variety called a Watermelon at £2 for 400g. Not surprisingly, it is claimed to be sweet and juicy, but more unusually under the speckled green skin, the flesh is red.
From the same origin, Tesco has another called Mirell in its Just Discovered range at £1.69 for six, presented in a kraft paper bag.
Featuring a cartoon celebrity on a pack obviously has an attraction for children, and with this in mind Polish blueberries at £2 for 250g in Tesco are featuring the Smurfs, offering the chance on every pack to win a sporty character complete with Olympic medal.
As the weather improves and the barbecues come out, it must have given a boost to sweetcorn, with Sainsbury’s offering
German-grown twin packs for £1.99. Some 20 years ago the country spotted this niche market and has obviously stayed with it.
The ever-increasing range of salads is all the rage at Marks & Spencer which, apart from widening the selection in its Forager’s Choice range with a lemon and fennel flavour, has introduced some new Super Bowls.
Some of the descriptions are somewhat unusual, such as Shaved Garden at £2.50 for 180g. It comprises fennel (27 per cent), cucumber and apple (22 per cent each), celery (11 per cent) and pea shoots, with an orange and olive oil dressing.
Additionally there is a Rainbow Super Salad at the same price for 165g, which consists of mint cabbage (30 per cent), peppers (18 per cent), mango (12 per cent), sugar snap and red watercress (six per cent), and not forgetting a touch of coriander. -