CMA CGM is launching a new service between Morocco and Europe carrying citrus fruit and fresh vegetables from the north African state.

From November 2012, 'Dunkrus Express' will operate on a weekly basis with its full round-trip routing reading: Casablanca-Agadir-Dunkirk-Antwerp-Casablanca.

Part of its cargo will be bound for the UK via trucking services from Dunkirk, the French shipping group confirmed.

The service will offer a connection at Dunkirk the same day with CMA CGM’s Baltic service to St Petersburg.

The Dunkrus Express will be operated by two 1,000 teu capacity vessels, each equipped with 220 reefer plugs.

Dunkirk will be dropped from the itinerary of CMA CGM's existing weekly, two-vessel Agadir Express perishables service from mid-October when it will be routed via Casablanca-Agadir-Portsmouth-Rotterdam-Le Havre-Casablanca.

Another change will see CMA CGM's perishables service between Agadir and the French Mediterranean port of Port Vendres increase to a twice-weekly frequency, starting early November.