Wholesale markets were looking forward to new season arrivals from South Africa this week as trade emerged from the November slump.
One salesman on New Covent Garden Market told FPJ: “Plums from Italy were winding right down and were very expensive this week. They’ve gone up by about 20 per cent week on week for
Angeleno. Last week, they were about 800p for 4.5kg but this week they were making 1000-1100p. South Africa will be starting at the weekend with their red varieties and we will see the first arrivals of South African grapes on the container as well.”
Trade in grapes recently has been dominated by Brazil, with prices for white product trumping
those for red. “We still have some really nice Brazilian product coming through,” said one Birmingham wholesaler.
“White has been making 1100-1200p for 4.5kg, while red is a little cheaper at 800-1000p.”
He added that footfall at the market was up as demand for Christmas lines gathered pace. “Trade has definitely picked up this week and we started leafy clementines this week with best product making 900p a tray and cheaper supplies on 700p.”