New season grape arrivals reach port

The southern African grape season is kicking off in the UK with the arrival of the first Cape earlysweet grapes, arriving on MSC Methoni and due in port on 1 December.

The three containers of Cape grapes are from the Namibian Grape Company (NGC) in the Aussenkehr area of Namibia.

Following closely after the Earlysweet is a second arrival comprising Flame Seedless in both Cape and Capespan Gold brands, shipped on the Mol Caledon and due in port on 5 December. These are also produced and packed by the Namibian Grape Company.

The shipments are among the first fruit out of southern Africa this year and will be followed by Capespan's first South African grapes, expected on Maersk Gateshead/MSC Hanjin, due to arrive around 13 December.

Grape exports are lower to date than last season, Capespan reports, with the early areas about seven to 10 days later than last year, although cooler weather in the last few weeks should give good colouration to this year’s Flame Seedless crop.