New potato industry materials produced

Potato Council has developed two booklets for levy payers to present key messages from the UK potato sector, relating to health and sustainability.

The two pocket-sized guides, entitled The health benefits of potatoes and their value to the nation and Potatoes - a low impact crop for GB are available on request from the council.

It is hoped they will be used as reference points for anyone who has an interest in the industry, the nutritional benefits of the potato and the crop’s impact on the environment.

The booklets draw on academic evidence, as well as input from nutrition experts and scientists. The sustainability edition illustrates improved efficiencies relating to water, land use and the industry’s value to local communities and economies. The health booklet focuses on the vital nutrients provided by potatoes and how they can fill gaps in the nation’s diet.

Potato Council corporate affairs manager Maria Ball said: “The potato plays an important role for Great Britain. We need to ensure that it gets the recognition it deserves as a contributor to dietary health and for food security. Potatoes are an important staple food crop and the GB supply chain has worked hard to improve yields and reduce land inputs.

“These two booklets bring together the impressive and compelling facts about potato production for the industry to use when speaking with political representatives, customers and policymakers.”
