Brazilian papaya producers have developed a new engaging packing scheme to help draw children towards the healthy product.
Under a scheme called Health and Art, the partnership between the Union of Growers of Brazilian Papaya (UGBP) and Britto which has seen pop artist Romero Britto develop colourful boxes for the product has seen success in the US and is set to arrive in the UK.
The small 1.5kg netted boxes of Golden papayas are aimed at children and the Brazilian artist Britto is expected to be a draw, already a star in his home country,
The concept is to launch a new art design every three months making the papaya boxes highly collectable. UGBP is currently looking for UK partners to help bring the product to market.
The UGBP has been active in the papaya market for five years and has a strong social responsibility element to its business and works within the food safety programme Mesa Brasil.