The Organic Trade Board (OTB) was launched at the Food and Drink Innovation Network’s Annual UK Organics Summit in Birmingham this week, following a preliminary announcement by Organic Farm Foods’ md Adam Wakeley at the Re:fresh Conference last week.

The new organisation has been set up by 10 founder members from both the edible and non-edible organic sector, and will look at the best ways to enhance and market the organic brand to the consumer.

OTB founder and chair Lizzie Vann, founder of children’s food company Organix Ltd, revealed the board has an initial target of 100 members. “The total industry, which is worth £2 billion, is substantial enough to have its own voice,” she said. “[The board] is open to producers, packers, importers and distributors, and does not compete with the Soil Association or other certification organisations.”

Ella Heeks, manager of one of the most successful box schemes set up by Abel & Cole, will vice-chair the board, and Wakeley is on the committee.
