The New Zealand kiwifruit industry has established a separate, independent organisation to lead its response to the recent outbreak of Psa disease. Kiwifruit Vine Health Inc was registered as an incorporated society on Monday and will operate as a non-profit-organisation to apply an aggressive containment strategy for Psa in New Zealand and develop and implement a long-term pest management and monitoring plan for Psa.

KVH’s board of directors was appointed by the members of the Industry Advisory Council and includes representatives from all key industry groups including Zespri, New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Inc, post-harvest suppliers and the plant health authority MAF Biosecurity NZ.

Peter McBride chairs the new company and discussions are underway with nominees for the post of ceo. An appointment is expected shortly.

Meanwhile, on 2 December restricted place notices issued to Psa-affected kiwifruit orchards across New Zealand were lifted and replaced with a general permissions document. This document outlines growers’ obligations under the New Zealand Biosecurity Act to minimise the spread of Psa.

By relaxing the restrictions that were in place on the movement of plant material, equipment and personnel between orchards, growers are able to switch to full orchard operations and allow contractors and other workers access to their properties.
