Outdoor and protected strawberry producers now have a new option for the control of tarsonemid mite with the granting by the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) of a specific off-label approval for the use of Sequel (fenpyroximate).

Certis technical officer Alan Horgan suggested that the treatment, compatible with an IPM programme, will also provide activity against spider mite when applied for tarsonemid mite control.

“With one application opportunity per crop, per year it is important the product is applied at the right time to get the maximum benefit,” he explained.

“Sequel has rapid knockdown activity and controls all motile stages. It also has long persistent activity, including secondary effects on moulting, egg production and viability. It should be applied as part of a programmed approach to controlling the pest, to avoid resistance build-up.”

He added that tarsonemid mite is a real industry issue, presenting particular problems in established crops, and that it can be very localised and unpredictable. Best results have been seen when applied with a wetter such as Silwet 778 to aid penetration into the crop. The dose rate is 2.0l/ha and Sequel has the benefit of a three-day harvest interval.
