David Bateman has been appointedas managing director at banana giant SH Pratt.
Bateman, whohas been with the business for two years,was operations director prior to thisappointment. He will lead theday-to-day running of the business, aswell as a number of strategic initiativescurrently being developed.
Robert Wells, majority shareholder of SHPratt, will move to the role of CEO, inorder to provide further strategic vision
and direction.
In addition, Simon Trewin, commercial director, has been appointedas a full board member of SH Pratt, inorder to reinforce the development of thecompany’s commercial direction.
A spokesperson for SH Pratt said: 'As the business grows and develops, wewill create additional companies withinthe SH Pratt Group family; andimplement a new brand identity,currently in discussion. This will beimplemented in due course.
'Pratt’s Bananas logistics division has seenrapid and successful growth in recenttimes. To take this part of the business to
the next level, it has been set up as aseparate company ‘Kinship Logistics’,under the umbrella of the SH Prattparent company.
'Kinship, whose name represents thefamily nature of our business, has beengiven a brand new fresh and vibrantidentity, to help reflect the diverse rangeof goods we carry. It will also help ourvehicles to stand out and be easilyrecognised. The new identity is currentlybeing rolled-out.'
Tony Hunter, previously head of SH Pratt'slogistics, has been appointed as directorof logistics for the new KinshipLogistics company.