Smith takes up the new post on February 3, bringing 30 years experience in operational planning and logistics, supply chain management, change management and human resources in the Royal Navy.

The creation of this new Directorate is part of a proposal, arising from the best value reviews of the Corporation's services, to reorganise and streamline the management of the City's wholesale markets. The new director will be responsible for reviewing the services provided by the markets and ensuring that they continue to meet the continuing changes in wholesale demand within London and the surrounding areas.

Chairman of the Markets Committee Daniel Caspi welcomed the appointment: 'I am delighted that David has agreed to accept this new post. He arrives at a busy time, when the recent Saphir Review has highlighted the increasing pressures on the wholesale trade in food and other produce and the likelihood of change, but I have complete confidence that his considerable array of skills will equip him to tackle the many management challenges that lie ahead, when the Corporation of London will be debating the future of wholesale markets.'
