Dahlia Festivo

Dahlia Festivo

Darby Nursery Stock has announced details of new introductions that it will launch at GLEE next month.

The Dahlia Fabula, which will be available in garden centres from June, is described as having ‘spectacular multicoloured flowers’. It has an exceptionally long flowering season, from June to September, and is ideal for patio pots or borders.

The delicate Omphalodes Cherry Ingram creates a burst of colour in a shady area, with clusters of deep blue flowers from march to July every year. It will be available in garden centres from March.

The hardy Salvia greggii Icing Sugar produces dramatic pink and purple flowers every summer, and can withstand temperatures down to minus eight degrees Celsius. It is easy to grow in a sunny position, and will be available in garden centres from July 2008.
