The residual and contact herbicide, flumioxazin has new off label approvals for use on several horticultural crops ranging from soft fruit to forestry.
Flumioxazin is now approved for outdoor top fruit, outdoor soft fruit, outdoor ornamentals, farm forestry, outdoor forest nursery, outdoor plant production and outdoor hops.
The new Specific Off-Label Approvals (SOLA) were granted as part of the process of establishing some SOLA’s for plant propagation in place of the lapsed Long Term Arrangements for Extensions of Use (LTAEU).
The herbicides are intended for use as weed control agents in propagation crops which are winter-dormant such as strawberries or roses or are shielded directed sprays such as in container plants or are not sprayed overall as in trees. The SOLA notices state that treated crops are not for human or animal consumption for a period of 12 months.
Flumioxazin is formulated as a as a white, non-staining, easy-to-use suspension concentrate containing 300 gms ai/litre and is packed in a 500 ml pack. It can be used for the control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds, including charlock, chickweed, cleavers, common field speedwell, common poppy, field pansy, fumitory, groundsel, ivy-leaved speedwell, mayweed, red deadnettle and Shepherd’s purse, and grass-weeds, including Annual Meadow-grass and loose silky bent
Flumioxazin is available as SumiMax, Digital and Guillotine. SumiMax and Guillotine have SOLAs for outdoor hops, outdoor ornamentals, outdoor soft fruit and outdoor top fruit. Digital has SOLAs for farm forestry, outdoor forest nursery and outdoor ornamental plant production.