Scott Farms International has expanded to meet demand for the import of sweet potatoes into the UK and continental Europe.

Tom Lias has joined the UK’s leading sweet potato grower and importer as head of wholesale at its Evesham-based office, where he is responsible for developing the wholesale business in the UK and Europe.

'I want Scott Farms International to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds when it comes to sweet potatoes,' said Lias. 'I believe there is huge opportunity to grow the wholesale market side of the business in the UK and Europe.'

Scott Farms chief executive officer Stan Smith added: 'Tom is a welcome asset to the Scott Farms International team and will strengthen not just our resources, but years of expertise in the fresh produce market. With nearly five decades in the industry, he has the ability to build relationships with customers, a passion for fresh produce and of course sweet potatoes.'

Last year, Scott Farms International, which has been in operation for six years, launched its award winning Love Sweet Potatoes campaign to educate consumers on the nutritious and versatile vegetable for the benefit of the whole industry. As a result, the company has seen growth in the import of sweet potatoes into the UK and continental Europe, and is now looking further afield.
