New Florette salad is like 'Diet Coke to Crispy's Coke'

The team behind the UK’s number one selling salad mix, Florette Crispy, claims its new Sweet Crispy mix offers the salad equivalent of the choice offered by Coke and Diet Coke - except sweeter.

Florette said it expected the Sweet Crispy mix to increase sales by 20 per cent in a salad category that delivers sales in excess of £30 million.

Commercial director Sandy Sewell said research found there was an appetite for a new variant of the Crispy mix.

He said it could “attract a new generation of fans looking for something sweeter from their crispy fix - very much like the option that Coke offers with Diet Coke, but moving up rather than down the sweetness scale”.

The Sweet Crispy is a blend of Radicchio, Green Batavia, Green Romaine and Little Gem and is designed to be just as crunchy and crispy, but sweeter and also lighter in colour.

The new product will be central to Florette’s 2012 £5m marketing campaign across TV and national newspapers and magazines.

Florette’s innovations team has also created two new combinations in its successful Duo range; Pea Shoot & Baby Leaf Red Pak Choi and Pea Shoot & Red Butterhead.

The Duo range launched last May and won the greatest distribution listing of all branded bagged salad NPD launched that summer.

It delivered £1.1m in sales to date across Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s, translating into £450k worth of incremental sales for the Florette brand and equating to 38 per cent of total premium salad growth during the season.