Faitrade has unveiled its new international mark to be on Fairtrade Foundation products in September.

The logo was designed by Interbrand and will debut on Fairtrade bananas, Cafedirect 5065 and Clipper Fairtrade teas. All products are expected to carry the mark by the end of 2003.

Julia Powell, head of communications for the partnership, said: 'The new international Fairtrade mark has impact and so will attract attention on busy supermarket shelves. It is dynamic and energetic, reflecting Fairtrade as modern, international and representing quality.' The design, of a cheering person, indicates the people, both consumers and producers, behind Fairtrade. It will gradually be introduced across the 17 countries that make up the Fairtrade Labelling Organisation to ensure the mark is globally recognised.

Powell added: 'Soon you will be able to get on the Eurostar at Waterloo with your take-away Fairtrade mark coffee, get out in Paris, or Brussels or Cologne, go into the supermarket and buy coffee with the same label on the packet.'