Easy peeling oranges are in the pipeline from Outspan to help boost the popularity of the Navel and Valencia varieties.

Clumsy-fingered citrus eaters will be able to enjoy the new Ezee oranges without the hassles of breaking through the tough outer layer of the fruit's peel.

Outspan's advertising and publicity manager Caroline Wall said: 'Britons love the instant refreshment and natural goodness of fresh oranges, but can't be bothered with all the peeling. Big oranges are beginning to disappear from the fruit bowl, kids lunchboxes and during the half time break at sports events because they are difficult to peel.' The company is considering the possibility of creating 'peel and tear' perforations on the skin, and if plans come to fruition the fruit could be in the shops to coincide with the new season South African oranges next summer.

Wall added: 'One avenue we're exploring is in-flight catering because oranges could help reduce some of the health problems associated with flying and can provide a vitamin packed antidote to dehydration.'
