A date has been set for the 2010 edition of the Italian trade fair Macfrut, which takes places this October.

The 27th edition of the Mediterranean event will run on 6-8 October and will be organised by Cesena Fiera in the Cesena fair district, with new opening hours for the public of 9.30am-6pm.

In a statement, the organiser said: “Macfrut is definitely becoming international and will continue in this way because the market is more and more global and the presence of Italian businesses abroad needs to be strengthened. At the same time it is of the utmost importance to attract foreign companies to Cesena, offering a wide range of possibilities for meetings and business opportunities.”

This year, Macfrut will particularly turn its focus upon the Mediterranean area and on the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, which are the new frontier for the Italian fruit and vegetable sector.
