Baroness Brenda Dean has been appointed as the new chairman of the Covent Garden Market Authority, Defra has announced.

Currently a member of the authority, Baroness Dean will replace Leif Mills who has served as chairman since 1998.

Taking up the post from April 1, she will be paid £44,685 a year for three days a week, with the appointment lasting three years.

Baroness Dean was appointed to the House of Lords in 1993 and is a member of the House of Lords Appointments Commission. She is a non-executive director of George Wimpey, Dawson Holdings and the Literacy Trust. She was also formerly general secretary of the trade union SOGAT.

Larry Whitty, food and farming minister, said: “Brenda Dean has a long history of achievement in the trade union movement, the private sector and in public life.

“She has vast experience in dealing with change processes and I am grateful that she is able to offer the authority her experience and judgement at this time.

“I would also like to record my appreciation to Leif Mills who has presided over the authority with skill and determination during a very difficult period. My thanks and best wishes to him.”
