The BRC is to publish new editions of its quality standards for food and packaging manufacturers. The revised and updated Global Standard for Food Safety and Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials will be released in early January.

The BRC’s Global Standards are designed to help suppliers secure and maintain business with retailers by providing a framework to demonstrate they are achieving the levels of quality and safety required by retailers and meeting the legal requirements of the markets they serve.

The standards also aim to provide retailers with a reliable and cost effective way of ensuring safety and quality in their supply chain.

“Both these standards were originally created to establish requirements for suppliers of food and food packaging to UK retailers,” said a BRC spokesperson. “These publications have now become leading global standards supported by many major retailers throughout the world and adopted by approximately 10,000 businesses in more than 80 countries. Certification to the BRC Global Standards verifies technical performance, aids manufacturers’ fulfillment of legal obligations and helps provide protection to the consumer.

“The updated and revised standards are significant enhancements of their previous issues. Improvements [were] developed after extensive consultation with a wide range of interested stakeholders.” They include:

• Clearer and more detailed requirements.

• Increased emphasis on senior management demonstrating commitment to the aim of achieving a satisfactory quality management system.

• Greater focus on analysis of potential hazards.

• New specially-designed training courses.

In addition, the scope of the Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials has been expanded from an original focus on food to cover packaging for all types of goods.

“The Global Standard for Food Safety includes a number of unique features, which directly address retailers’ concerns about maintaining the quality of their products, said the spokesperson. These include:

• A more rigorous grading system linked to more frequent audits for poorly performing sites.

• Expanded sections on issues of major industry concern and importance, such as allergens and site security.

“The BRC will be also working more closely with its partner certification bodies and approved training providers to ensure it has the infrastructure in place to deliver a top quality service,” the spokesperson said.

For more information about the BRC series of Global Standards, which also includes Standards for “Storage & Distribution” companies and “Consumer Products” manufacturers, visit
