New apple variety launched

Scientists have created a new apple which could prove to be a potential replacement for Royal Gala and Gala.

Research group Prevar are releasing Sweetie Var-One cv for the New Zealand top-fruit industry. The new apple is an attractive, large, earlier maturing fruit that ripens slightly before Royal Gala.

Good flavour, texture and fruit size make Sweetie™ a very good replacement for Royal Gala and Gala varieties, the scientists claimed.

Prevar™ is the international joint venture company established to globally commercialise new apple and pear varieties emanating from the HortResearch pipfruit breeding programme.

Brett Ennis, chief executive, said: “The commercial release of Sweetie Var-One cv is a significant first release for Prevar. We plan to release this variety in other global regions once we have completed our assessment programme.”

Prevar’s joint venture partners include: Pipfruit New Zealand, representing the New Zealand pipfruit industry, Apple and Pear Australia Limited, representing Australian pipfruit growers, the Associated International Group of Nurserymen, a global network of nursery companies and HortResearch a globally respected fruit science company.

Sweetie Var-One cv will be available on “open release” from the New Zealand Fruit Tree Company (NZFTC) who are the NZ based member of the Associated International Group of Nurserymen.

John Morton, general manager of the NZFTC, said Sweetie Var-One cv trees will soon be available for planting.

“We expect strong interest but regrettably tree numbers are currently limited,” he said. “But we are happy to receive orders and answer any enquiries that orchardists may have. This variety is a personal favourite of mine and I have high expectations for its commercial potential.”