A Garden Centre Association national carrot growing contest for school children is set to kick off this week.
The event encourages school children to sow seeds, thin seedlings and eventually pick and eat their own sweet and crunchy carrots.
The competition is run through local garden centres, which will distribute the plastic bag pots, known as Hadopots, to schools along with packets of seed.
Later in the year, the carrots will be returned to garden centres for judging and a grand weigh-in.Photographs of all the top carrots will be judged and national winners chosen.
Malvern firm Hado Polythene will be helping thousands of schoolchildren take part. The company, based at Spring Lane, is supplying 20,000 plastic bag plant pots for the competition.
Hadopots are one of the firm's top selling products and come in a range of sizes for growing anything from tiny seedlings to large trees.
Hado Polythene manager Jon Hale said the company was pleased to support the event. "The company has been making these pots for about 20 years. They're used a lot by commercial growers. If more people see how good they are because of this competition, it could expand the market for us," he commented.