The new Namibian grape season is expected to start slightly early: some seven to 10 days in advance of the late debut last year. Fruit will start arriving by sea freight in the last fortnight of October.
Capespan reports that it will account for a large proportion of the country’s crop for export this year. "Volume from Namibia over the years has been erratic with consolidation of quantities for shipment a problem," said Capespan UK procurement director Martin Dunnett. "We have become involved more significantly over the last two years and this year have managed to secure a significant share of the Namibian grape crop."
The advantage that Namibia offers is that is has Thompson Seedless available early. This gives the UK grape business an alternative to early season Superior Seedless from other sources that may not be the right quality.
"The first picking will be of Flame and also early Prime," said Dunnett. "First Namibian Thompson will be available at the end of November or early December."