“For me, EiC has demonstrated that we can combine a serious message with practical ideas in a fun way, which engages the public and the media. What’s more, the campaign has been a very visible way of demonstrating that the produce industry can play its part in building its own marketplace rather than just relying on others.
“I know that there were some sceptical voices in the industry at the beginning of the campaign who thought we would never get much coverage, but the team has proved that, done well, the media will give us the opportunity to reach our consumers. It has been particularly pleasing that the red-top newspapers, especially The Sun, have been so supportive, as their readerships are the largest groups who we hope to inspire. Even a small change to their eating habits has a big impact on UK fresh produce sales.
“The campaign was set up to run for three years and we’ve just started that third year. I hope that we will not only continue to generate stories that change consumer behaviour, but that we will be able to lay down some legacy for the industry’s future. The work we are doing with the Scouts & Guides association, encouraging consumption of fresh produce among younger children, is just one example of how we are contributing to the industry’s future demand. We have further great ideas for this year.
“Already some people are asking us what happens at the end of the three years and we are beginning to think about the options. This really comes down to what the industry wants, and whether businesses are prepared to put their hands in their pockets to invest for the future. We have been very fortunate to have backing through these three years from a broad range of sponsors, without whom nothing would have been possible.
“EiC has real reach now and I hope that the industry will want to build on its success, but we need to hear from you about what you want and are prepared to support. We are at our best when we all work together and the campaign has shown that there is an opportunity to get a really positive message out there that fruit and vegetables offer such a pleasurable, quick, easy and affordable way to healthy eating.”
Anthony Levy, chairman, Eat in Colour Board
“JP Fresh was a supporter of the Banana Group PR campaign for many years, but following the demise of the group, welcomed the opportunity to support the fresh produce industry in the UK, under the banner of EiC.
“The UK fresh produce industry faces an exciting opportunity over the next few years, with all the concerns over obesity, healthy eating, etc. It cannot compete with the marketing and advertising investment that comes from some of the packaged industry, but the media coverage and support over the nation’s health is unrivalled.
“The industry has the most fantastic opportunity to capitalise on this with government support for the 5 A DAY scheme and the School Fruit & Vegetable Scheme.
“JP Fresh must be one of the only companies, if not the only company, actively marketing and using the unique EiC logo on its lorries and has won marketing awards onthe back of it.”
Dickon Poole, group marketing manager, JP Fresh
“Bayer CropScience recognised that the EiC initiative brought to life the importance of eating fruit and vegetables. Everybody now knows they should be consuming fruit and vegetables each day, but still too many people struggle to make the connection with their everyday eating habits.
“EiC makes the connection. Bayer CropScience offers a significant contribution globally to the production of healthy, nutritious fruit and vegetables. Crop protection products, along with the supply chain, help to ensure fruit and vegetables arrive with the consumer in the best of condition.
“As a campaign, EiC has brought together all players of the chain to focus as a team on the topic of healthy fruit and vegetable consumption. This teamwork has created a strong commitment to the challenge of discovering unique ways to bring to life the eating of fruit and vegetables. The idea to increase consumption among schoolchildren was born out of real commitment by industry players to meet the challenge of increasing healthy consumption for such an important group in our society.
“I hope that we see a wider embrace of the campaign by industry. EiC has made great strides so far with the unique activities created. But the challenge is not over. Eating in colour needsto be a way of life - not just for Christmas!”
Patrick Mitton, food industry stewardship manager, Bayer CropScience
“Those involved in the instigation of EiC always knew the campaign market was ripe for the picking, with a savvy British public keen to do the right thing by their families and committed to a healthier diet, but lacking confidence to make more of fresh produce at mealtimes.
“Enter EiC - the consumer-facing wing of the UK’s tastiest industry, making a commitment to fill the nation’s fruit bowls and vegetable racks with good food from across the globe, without resorting to thunderous preaching and tips and advice reminiscent of the Ten Commandments.
“The results so far are encouraging and only the staunchest sceptic would contest that the support of the campaign sponsors hasn’t contributed to a healthy growth in sales. And even in harder times, an effective communications strategy helps slow decline. Furthermore, EiC has unearthed a new way of feeding an insatiable appetite for accessible information on cooking and diet - less foodie, more everyday. This suggests that the campaign could continue to shape consumer behaviour indefinitely - although initially a three-year project, EiC could easily remain a feature of the fresh produce industry’s generic communications effort for many seasons to come, working in parallel with government, retail and education sectors as a knowledgeable and jovial ‘Great Aunt’ to the shoppers of today and tomorrow.
“Current research suggests that 2009 will see a shifting of emphasis in the mind of the consumer from convenient and premium to home cooking and good value, but with EiC at the helm we can have it all - the UK fresh produce sector offers top-quality, easy-to-prepare products accessible to all and offering endless opportunities for enjoyment. We look forward to presenting an ever-changing menu of ideas, each packed with the minerals and vitamins essential to a healthy future.”
Dom Lane, Bray Leino
“The fresh produce industry needs to help consumers of all ages to step up their consumption of fruit and vegetables. EiC hits the mark, providing a consumer-facing campaign which can be supported by all sectors of the industry.
“The campaign is making great strides to encourage higher consumption of fruit and vegetables through its practical advice on easy ways of enjoying healthy eating.”
Jim Rogers, president, Fresh Produce Consortium
“With increasing levels of obesity, particularly among children, we cannot afford to lose another generation to the consequences of a poor diet.
“Eating 5 A DAY remains a daunting prospect for some sectors of our society, and the industry must play its part in tackling this public health issue.EiC should continue to encourage consumers to enjoy fruit and vegetables - the ultimate in convenience foods.”
Nigel Jenney, chief executive, Fresh Produce Consortium
“The EiC campaign has shown a continued commitment to raising awareness and incentivising people in the UK to eat more fruit and vegetables.
“At Fruitful Office, we are particularly interested in this campaign because it is also directed at promoting the regular consumption of fruit by employees in workplaces. British businesses lose 175 million sick days every year - a great part of these sick days can be linked to the lack of fruit and vegetable intake on a regular basis. EiC has helped to tackle this problem - in May 2008, it launched the ‘Bowl, not Biscuit’ challenge, and we were proud to be able to assist the campaign in spreading its message to the companies which took part.
“The campaign has been very supportive of the industry by helping to generate more demand for fruit and vegetables. In our case, it has helped to raise awareness and encourage companies to start offering regular fresh fruit to their employees. Companies have traditionally offered unhealthy snacks (such as biscuits and sweets) to their employees and this campaign is convincing companies that they should be offering healthier benefits to their staff.
“The government has supported the consumption of more fruit and vegetables through its 5 A DAY campaign; however, there is only so much the government can do due to its limited resources. Campaigns such as EiC are critical to help support the fruit and vegetable industry on a continuous basis by regularly raising awareness from different angles: workplaces, schools, home cooking, etc.
“EiC will need to continue to think of different and innovative angles to raise awareness. Given the current and expected economical environment, it is possible that the consumption of fruit and vegetables may be affected - this makes the EiC campaign even more important.
“Fruitful Office hopes that EiC will continue to support the ‘at-work’ angle of its campaign. It is critical that the campaign continues to direct its resources to this angle going forward, remembering that most people spend about one-third (or more!) of their lives in an office or workplace.”
Daniel Ernst, commercial director, Fruitful Office