A documentary focusing on the mushroom business is due to hit television screens on June 4.

Part of the BBC2 Ever Wondered about Food series, the film was made with the help of the Mushroom Bureau and features two English mushroom farms - Leckford Mushrooms and Kentdown Mushrooms - and Tunnel Tech, one of the largest compost yards.

The programme films the growing cycle of cultivated mushrooms from composting to picking and packing for supermarkets, wholesalers and restaurateurs. The film highlights the fact mushrooms double in size every 24 hours and are picked at different stages of development according to specifications set by the supermarkets.

The series has an audience rating of 1 million to 2m viewers a week. “Demand for recipe cards, following each programme, has reached record levels during this series so we’re sure this programme will increase demand,” said the bureau’s Victoria Lloyd-Davies.
