In the past, the Mushroom Bureau has devised some interesting ways to promote the vegetable

In the past, the Mushroom Bureau has devised some interesting ways to promote the vegetable

The Mushroom Bureau, the body which is responsible for the generic publicity of all fresh cultivated mushrooms sold in the UK, is seeking an agency to produce a marketing campaign to promote the food to UK consumers.

Founded in 1993, the bureau is funded voluntarily by its members, who are predominantly mushroom growers and trade alliances to the industry in the UK, Ireland and continental Europe.

With retail sales of more than £330 million a year, the mushroom market is the third-largest vegetable category in the UK and is well positioned for further growth.

This will be the first time that the bureau has produced an integrated campaign, although it currently works with PR consultancy Mustard Communications, which will be involved in the process.

A shortlist of agencies is currently being compiled with the assistance of advertising and media agency selection specialist AAR, with a result expected by the end of September.

Stephen Allen of the Mushroom Bureau said: “The UK market for mushrooms has never been healthier. We are now seeking to increase the awareness of the benefits of mushrooms among new audiences and we will be looking for an agency to produce a campaign to help us do this.”
