Murcia wants potato label for UK

Growers’ leaders in the Spanish region of Murcia are clamouring for a quality label for their potatoes to set them apart on the UK market.

Secretary general of growers' organisation Asaja Murcia, Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca, said: “Now more than ever it is necessary to find a point of differentiation for potatoes grown in the Murcia region, through a quality marque, which will help to open up new export markets outside Europe.”

According to the latest information from the regional executive, in 2011 the area under production of potatoes rose to 2,317ha and output to 75,222 tonnes. Three-quarters of this volume is exported.

Gálvez added: “We think it would be very beneficial for the sector as a whole to have such a marque which would boost the image and promotion of Murcia’s potatoes, principally in the UK and central Europe, to distinguish from unfair competition with Egyptian potatoes.”

He concluded that it is a “priority” for Spanish and international consumers to be able to identify and taste and nutritional qualities of Murcia’s potato crop.