The Spanish region of Murcia experienced a reduction in volume of exported product last season, but values have been maintained, according to the association of producers and exporters, Proexport.
The figures released by the association show that, in total, export volume fell by 5.2 per cent on 2006, but values were maintained at the €1.4 million (£1.1m) mark.
Murcia has a 78 per cent share of national lettuce exports, and in 2007 these experienced a 2.17 per cent rise in value, as volume fell by just under two per cent. As far as tomatoes were concerned, overall export values increased by 17.5 per cent - a larger increase than for any other line - while tonnage fell by 22,000 tonnes to 150,166t.
The trend in fruit for the region was entirely different. Murcia produces 50 per cent of Spain’s export melons and, while volumes rose last season to 186,670t, values slumped by almost five per cent.
Grapes had a disappointing season last year, with volumes falling by more than 18 per cent, and values unable to compensate at €81m.