Mums for every season

As part of a campaign to re-energise the UK's second biggest selling flower, the Chrysanthemum, the Flower Council of Holland, working with the Dutch Chrysanthemum Growers Association, has sent special themed Chrysanthemum bouquets to the leading UK supermarket buyers.

So far the buyers have received 3 designs, Summertime ... a range of pink varieties, Definitely Cool full of white varieties and yellows in Harvest Gold. Each design is themed and colour specific and shows off varieties in that particular colour range.

"Chrysanths are favourites with the public and almost a must stock item for the trade, but all too often the customer in the supermarket sees the same varieties or colours every visit," quotes the Flower Council's Jonathon Read. " We are trying to remind buyers that there are a lot more to Chrysanths than might be thought, and so far the campaign seems to have kindled positive reactions".

Even so, the campaign only touches the surface as there are 1240 varieties of Chrysanthemum available through the Dutch auctions! But it does show the potential of what is available from this much-loved favourite.

The concept is to show the buyers designs that, although not specifically suitable for sale, nevertheless highlight the colour choice, versatility, value, attractiveness and range of Chrysanthemum, which is so diverse in range - from spray and Santini, to single bloom and spider.

Each bouquet or arrangement is accompanied by a specially designed card to highlight the varieties used.
