Harmonisation of maximum pesticides residue levels (MRLs) in the EU moved a step closer last weekend as three key annexes of EU Regulation 396/2005/EC, fixing pan-EU harmonised MRLs on fresh produce were published in the Official Journal of the EU.
The publication of these annexes is a prerequisite to full implementation of MRL-legislation, due six months after publication on September 1, 2008.
“The myriad of MRLs applicable across the entire EU and their constant modification has proved the single biggest barrier to the
trade of fresh produce across the EU,” said Philippe Binard, secretary general of fresh produce trade body Freshfel. “Harmonisation is urgently needed to eliminate the number of technical exceedances arising from a range of such values, thus restoring the credibility of food policy authorities following numerous derogatory NGO campaigns.”
Freshfel also used the occasion of the publication to highlight the fact that MRLs are trading, not safety, standards. “When MRLs are exceeded, consumers might wrongly assume that their health is at risk because they misconstrue MRLs as safety standards that are set to protect their health,” said Binard. “In fact, the main purpose of MRLs is to enable exporting countries to trade in crops internationally and assure importing countries that the crops have been treated according to good agricultural practices in the country of origin.”
While the publication of the annexes has fixed the date of entry into force, the European Commission is expected to adopt in the short term a series of modifications which will also enter into force on 1 September. “These modifications represent the latest changes in national legislation, as well as clarifications with regard to some active substances, such as ethylene,” said Frédéric
Rosseneu, Freshfel’s food safety adviser. “All in all they concern a little more than 100 substances.”
More information is also available from the Fresh Quality guide at www.freshquality.org. The European Commission is currently developing a user-friendly database for easy access to the EU-MRLs which will soon be available from its website.