Tights-clad fresh produce superhero Mr Fruitness has been at Fruit Logistica in Berlin this week emphasising the taste credentials of fruit and veg.

The European Fruitness initiative, which runs in the UK, Austria, Germany, Sweden and Poland, is currently promoting pears, kiwis, plums, peaches and nectarines.

Mr Fruitness also unveiled a series of 10 fruit and vegetable-based recipes to inspire healthy eating combined with great taste.

The recipes include organic fruit with yoghurt ice cream, Treviso chicory, caramelised apples and others.

Paolo Bruni, president of CSO Services Centre, which runs the Fruitness campaign, said: “Fruit and vegetables – as is well known – are fundamental in keeping fit and healthy, but are all too often considered as banal and anonymous end-of-meal items that take the place of sweet deserts or other apparently more tasty dishes.

“The success of the Fruit Experience event organised by the CSO in Berlin demonstrated that fruit and vegetables can form the basis of extraordinary dishes and snacks that could conquer consumers all over Europe, while also creating value for producers.'
