Mr Fruitness heads up kiwifruit promo

The European Fruitness Project is set to kick off its 2007 campaign with in-store promotions on Hayward kiwifruit headed up by cartoon superhero Mr Fruitness, according to Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli (CSO).

The ‘Fruit is Child’s Play’ campaign will make a comeback in January with new activities in Sainsbury’s and Asda in the UK.

The supermarkets will host in-store demonstration corners showing consumers the bet ways to eat kiwifruit.

Nutrition leaflets and freebies, including CD-ROM Mr Fruitness videogames, will also be handed out in stores.

A FAQ-style forum will continue the campaign online at

The Italian kiwifruit season, which supplies the majority of the product on the European market, stretches from October to May.

A total of 16,716t of Italian kiwifruit was sent to the UK in the 2005-06 season, 12,196t to Poland, 5,711t to Austria and 4,175t to Sweden, according to CSO.