Hilary Benn

Hilary Benn

Hilary Benn, Defra secretary of state began 2008 by saying the world of farming will change, whether its inhabitants like it or not.

“Change will represent both a challenge and an opportunity for UK farmers and growers,” said the minister. “Changes will demand innovation, forward thinking and optimism, to feed six billion people globally now, and an additional three billion by 2058.”

Far from being insulated from global trends, growers are being increasingly affected by them, he explained. “As an industry, you face unparalleled global challenges and opportunities. I believe that you are up for both,” he said. “We need to grasp the business opportunities climate change presents; longer growing seasons and the potential to grow new crops.

“It’s what we do globally that will really determine our success.” Touching on the environmental challenges, Benn said the UK is working closely with partners internationally, including China, to create sustainable agriculture systems.

And closer to home, the minister pointed to an element of irony in the decline of home delivery in the guise of the milkman having coincided with the boom in successful home delivery systems such as organic box schemes and supermarket home deliveries.
