Professor John Moverley

Professor John Moverley

Green World Exhibitions has announced the appointment of Professor John Moverley OBE to work with the team organising the 2008 World Fruit & Vegetable Show.

The international event will take place at the ExCeL Exhibition Centre in London on October 8-9.

Moverley, who recently completed his term of office as chief executive of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, has had a long and successful career in commercial and educational roles within the land-based and food sector, including the position of chief executive and principal of Myerscough College in Lancashire. He also has involvement with a range of local, regional and national committees and bodies.

Moverley will focus on the development of key parts of the show, particularly its new programme of forums and seminars, which will run over the two-day event. He will also assist in the promotion of the show and in attracting new specialist exhibitors, from both the commercial and education sectors.

“The fruit and vegetable industry is a very important one and I will be working with the organisers to develop this event and increase its value and focus on key issues facing the sector at present,” said Moverley.

“Among the subjects we will be tackling in our forums are food miles, the Defra PEACH system, exporting guidelines, organic technology and plastic packaging development. We will also focus on how current issues in terms of the supply of credit and oil prices impact on producer decisions and the consequent impact on the retail market.”

Moverley will also host his own forum at the show on the competing pressures for land, and how issues arising from this impact on both the price and supply of fruit and vegetables.
