Morrisons holds on to its market share

The latest TNS Worldpanel grocery market share figures for the 12 weeks ending March 23, 2008, show Morrisons’ growth is continuing, with the third successive period of 11 per cent sales growth, compared with the same period last year. The TNS results, published on April 1, reveal that Morrisons has held on to its record 11.6 per cent share.

According to TNS director of research Edward Garner, the striking feature of data is the high growth rate of seven per cent recorded for total grocers. He said: “There are two reasons for this: first, there is undoubtedly food price inflation, particularly in dairy products, fresh produce and bread. Second, Easter was particularly early this year, and is included in the 12-week period ending March 23, 2008, but not in the equivalent period last year. Thus this market growth should be treated with caution - next period will better compare like with like.”

The results show that Asda has again outperformed the market to lift its share to 17.1 per cent, from 16.9 per cent a year ago. Tesco and Sainsbury’s have both posted respectable growth rates, yet suffered small share losses. Somerfield shows a small share loss, although sales are positive, with four per cent year-on-year growth.

Both ends of the perceived price spectrum did well according to the results, with strong performance from Waitrose, Iceland, Aldi, Lidl and Netto.
