In what’s becoming a weekly ritual of Plantarium novelty news, organisers of the Dutch nursery stock fair have released details of yet more introductions scheduled to appear in the show.

The Ceanothus ‘Tuxedo’ is an upright mutant of C. ‘Autumnal Blue’, with dark brown to red leaves and blue flowers which appear first in summer and continue to bloom in the autumn.

Sedum spectabile ‘Elsie’, or ‘Elsie’s Gold’, is an upright perennial with variegated, cream-green leaves and pink flowers that appear on the plant in summer and change their colour to deep magenta in the autumn, and is a mutant of S. Herbstfreude or ‘Autumn Joy’.

Phormium cookianum, or ‘Black Adder’, is an upright mutant of Phormium cookianum ‘Platty Blade’ with dark purple-brown leaves, due to be presented at the Plantarium novelty inspection by Plantipp BV in Vianen.
