There were strong words from Ian Mitchell, speaking on behalf of English Apples & Pears, at the official launch of the English apple season at the UnderGlobe of London’s Globe Theatre on Tuesday.
He gave a stark warning for the future of his industry.
“The future is dependent on the profitability of the whole chain,” said Mitchell, who heads up the Bramley Campaign Group. He admitted there were many reasons for low prices but also pointed the finger firmly at the major multiples. “Competition between retailers can have a devastating effect on growers,” he said. “A price-cutting move by one retailer leads to a dizzy downward spiral and endangers the whole industry.”
Mitchell, pictured above right, acknowledged retailers’ aspirations for a profitable English apple industry, but pointed out that this is not enough. “Buyers are judged by their superiors on their ability to buy more cheaply even if there is a desire at a higher level to ensure reasonable returns to growers,” said Mitchell. “…This is the challenge they face, but if it is not resolved, then the future availability of English apples is threatened.”
The new season launch featured in 18 radio interviews, as well as a double-page spread in London’s Evening Standard and a live national TV interview on the BBC’s Working Lunch programme this week.