France’s Ministry of Agriculture has announced at the Congress of French Fruit Producers that the government will maintain current aids to support farmers on the elimination of obsolete fruit trees.
In 2006, some €18 million was provided as part of the French Strategy of Arboriculture, a plan created in response to the 2005 crisis and nowadays part of the short- and long-term strategies of the French government regarding agricultural development.
In addition to eliminating obsolete fruit trees, the government also includes credits, social support and taxes reduction (with a €16m budget) and consolidation credits (a €25m budget). Structural measures will be defined by the National Interprofessional Office of Fruits, Vegetables, Wine and Horticulture (VINIFLHOR), with an annual €8m budget focused on modernising plantations.
The Ministry representative also featured the observatory of market distortions, a service to support farmers mainly on information about regulations and norms of competitor countries, especially regarding phytosanitary and work cost issues.