Chiquita has introduced its mini bananas in the UK, through a trial in 20 Yorkshire supermarkets.
The fruit is about half the size of a full-sized Cavendish banana, and has a sweeter taste and thinner skin.
Chiquita minis are sold in packs of six to eight fingers.
The smaller variety - intended for “when a little is exactly enough” - has proven a hit with both children and the older end of the market,” Chiquita account manager Amelia Wong told freshinfo. “Chiquita minis are a brand-new product and have been doing really well,” she said.
The 12-week trial is now in its third week, and the response has been promising.
The 340g packs, which retail at 99p, have been merchandised alongside the banana offer, and promoted by in-store tastings and appearances by the glamorous Miss Chiquita.