The appointment has been announced of David Miller as president of the Guernsey Growers' Association. Six months ago he took on the role of acting president, following the resignation of Rodney Brouard.
Now the membership has indicated that it wishes him to take on the presidency permanently. Supporting him in his new role and replacing him as the former vice-president, is Alan Dorey, who therefore relinquishies his position as chairman of the ornamental plants section of the GGA. In his place will be Judy Scott.
Miller assists in the management of Guernsey Clematis Ltd, while Dorey holds a senior position in Delamore Ltd. Scott is a director of Channel Island Plants Ltd.
It is significant that the three new appointments are of people heavily involved in the ornamental section of the horticultural industry – a section which has expanded considerably and this year is expected to show a value to the island of £24.5m, more than 50 per cent of the expected overall total £45m.
In recent months the GGA, led by Miller, has been examining how it can best support the industry which it represents in the future. At the same time there have been joint talks with the States Committee for Horticulture, in preparation for an approach to the Island Parliament next year for some form of continued support for the growing industry.