The general manager of Israel's Citrus Marketing Board (CMBI), Mena Davidson, has been elected president of the Mediterranean Citrus Liaison Committee (CLAM), replacing Octavio Ramon of Spain. Davidson was elected for a two-year period by a unanimous vote at the organisation's annual meeting, held last week in Montpellier.
Mr Davidson commented that CLAM., the organisation comprising all citrus producing countries in the Mediterranean Basin, is the largest international citrus organisation. Israel is one of the four-founding countries that established this professional association 50 years ago.
The organisation deals with cultivation and marketing practices, providing up-dated professional information and promoting the interests of its members. In recent years, six countries joined CLAM as associate members, among them South Africa, Argentina and the US.
Mr Davidson has served the CMBI for the past 35 years in a number of executive positions, the last 10 years as the general manager of the Board.