Researchers at the University of Granada's Institute of Biotechnology have concluded that the consumption of melatonin - a natural substance produced in small amounts by human beings and present in many types of food, delays the oxidative damage and inflammatory processes typical of old age.

Working with fellow researchers in Seville, Oviedo, Zaragozza, and Barcelona, the scientists found that melatonin, found in foods like onions, cherries and bananas, as well as cereals, spices and red wine, may be key to delaying the aging process.

“The researchers administered small amounts of melatonin to mice and observed that not only did this substance neutralise the oxidative stress and the inflammatory process caused by aging, but it also delayed its effects and increased longevity,” said a report.

The findings are published in Free Radical Research, Experimental Gerontology, Journal of Pineal Research and Frontiers in Bioscience.