In a major step for the fresh produce industry, the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) has established an Australia-New Zealand Country Council with member representatives from both countries.

Speaking at the first Council meeting in Sydney on May 21, Alicia Calhoun, director, industry technology & standards, said PMA aims to ensure its products, services and events are relevant to current and potential members in both countries.

“With almost 80 members in Australia and 20 in New Zealand, the Council will play an important role in recommending to PMA how to provide the best value and service to those members and potential members.

“Council members will help PMA establish long- and short-term goals and will participate in product and event development for both countries,” Calhoun said.

The foundation members of the PMA Australia-New Zealand Country Council represent the entire supply chain of the industry, including growers, exporters, importers, wholesalers, and retailers. Serving under the chairmanship of Michael Simonetta, chief executive officer of Perfection Fresh Australia, the Australia-New Zealand Country Council consists of nine Australian members and three more from New Zealand

Also for the first time, PMA conducted member meetings in Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne, Australia in May.

“Our meetings were designed to provide members in Australia with convenient access to information that is tailored to their needs and local conditions. With the strong interest and attendance we received, we are definitely planning additional activities in Australia, including an annual conference and more member meetings,” said Nancy Tucker, PMA vice-president of global business development.

“Many Australian fresh produce businesses continue to utilise our annual PMA Fresh Summit International Convention & Exposition as a key source of information and ideas. We anticipate the high level of attendance from Australia will continue at this year’s event to be held in Houston, October 12-15,” said Tucker.


The first in a series of global outreach activities by the PMA, its recent retail seminar in Chile was attended by more than 120 suppliers, growers, exporters, government officials, association representatives and two staff of the US Embassy’s Foreign Agricultural Service.

‘Supermarkets: Opportunities and Challenges for Chilean Fruit in Emerging Economies’ was held on May 15, in Santiago.

Dr Thomas Reardon of Michigan State University customised a presentation on supermarket growth in developing markets to specifically address Chile and the economic growth that exists for Chilean fruit. His presentation included the factors that lead to the increased and rapid growth of this sector, the waves of retail development, trends that are prevalent in this growth, and the implications of these trends.

Nancy Tucker, PMA vice-president of global business development, spoke about the impact of food safety concerns, the increase in sales of organics, and the emergence of interest in local products and social responsibility.