Michael Meacher, environment minister announced this week that the 59 per cent recovery target and the 19 per cent material-specific recycling targets in effect under the producer responsibility obligations (packaging waste) will remain for 2003.

'As far as the industry is concerned, leaving the targets is a helpful gesture,' said Doug Henderson of the Fresh Produce Consortium. 'However, the real political challenge the government faces is what action it will take on domestic waste as that will be a charge on voters.' Making the announcement, Meacher said. 'I have agreed that there should be no change in the business targets for 2003 because we still do not know what targets the new packaging waste directive is going to set, nor to what deadline. I am also aware that industry needs to start now to set in place the infrastructure they will need to meet higher targets. However, it should be absolutely clear that a significant uplift in the directive targets is certainSIt would be foolish to put off the development of the recovery and particularly the collection infrastructure.' Meacher also confirmed that government will now set its sights on tackling the household waste stream but warned that setting up collection systems could take as long as two years. He also said that whatever targets are agreed in the new directive for industry, it will be necessary to change UK regulations in 2004 in order to achieve them.