MDS launches new qualification

At a dinner to celebrate its 20th anniversary, groundbreaking management training programme Management Development Services (MDS) launched a new academic qualification for the fresh produce industry.

Speaking to an industry audience of over 200 people, including representatives from every year of the scheme and a number who had made the trip from overseas, MDS chairman Doug Henderson announced a post-graduate certificate in food and fresh produce management has been set up in association with Harper Adams University College.

From next year, each trainee on the two-year MDS course will also complete the new qualification alongside existing training, giving them independent academic recognition, as well as the experience of the demanding MDS programme, which includes four secondments with member companies and 25 days of formal training.

“MDS was born 20 years ago out of recognition of the difficulties in recruiting competent and high-calibre professionals capable of meeting the challenge of an ever-changing industry,” said Henderson, pictured with Tory MP Shailesh Vara.

“It was, and remains a truly pioneering and unique business model and the careers of those here tonight bear testimony not only to the fellowship of MDS but to the impact MDS has made on the industry as a whole.

“A world-class industry demands world-class managers and this is a challenge we are proud to face head on. The certificate is a first for the British industry and will ensure that MDS remains fit for purpose as we look ahead to the next decade and beyond.

“We can carry forward the vision of the founders, making a difference to the lives of our trainees, to the future of our member companies and to the industry as a whole.”